Still Undecided? Maybe The Following Will Help You.
Some may think they don’t have the time but are interested in helping, here’s a few ways you can help. We need equipment, money, you and your ideas. You may donate anything that will help the association. It will be deeply appreciated.
Due to the recent tragedy in Newtown Connecticut, we will offer to any sworn law enforcement officer assigned to the school system, at no charge, the most comprehensive tactical handgun training offered anywhere in the United States. We teach this on our range and has been designed to eliminate this particular threat.
You may join any or all of the following:
- Ghost Riders
- The Wild Bunch
- Motorcycle Unit
- ATV Unit
- 4×4/ Truck Unit Tom Chris Duke / Sergeant
- Mounted Horse Unit
- Hunters and Trappers
- The Rough Riders Band (Musicians Wanted)
- The Rough Riders Tactical Handgun Competition Team & Our Tactical Handgun Videos
- Calendar of Charity Events and Association Meetings Etc.
- Products/Jackets, Hats, Etc.
Now that you have seen where we are headed, we hope you will take time to think about what you have seen and read.
The old saying is “One voice gets lost in the crowd; unless you are the crowd.” I lived in this county 24 years and have met many good and great people. If you agree with me there is room to make our home better, meaning our county, then join with us to change some of this county’s government.
Thank You – John E. Scott